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The Strategic Role of Students in the Tax Volunteer Program

Thursday, 19 September 2024 - 03:51
The Strategic Role of Students in the Tax Volunteer Program Silmi, S.E., M.Ak., Dosen PNS Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Andalas

TIMES MALAYSIA, PADANG – As the need for broader tax education grows in Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance, through the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP), has launched various initiatives to increase public awareness and compliance with taxes. One of the strategic steps taken is involving university students in the tax volunteer program. 

This program benefits not only the tax authorities but also significantly impacts the development of students' skills and strengthens tax compliance culture in the future. But why is the role of students in this program so important? Here lets discuss.

Taxes are a crucial foundation for running the government and the development of a country. However, many people still lack a comprehensive understanding of tax regulations. Through the tax volunteer program involving students, tax education can be spread more widely and equitably. As agents of change, students have great potential to effectively communicate tax knowledge to the public.

Involving students enables the dissemination of tax information to various segments of society, particularly in areas that may be less accessible to tax authorities. They can provide education on tax obligations, how to file tax returns (SPT), and the importance of taxes for national development. Through this volunteer program, students can also assist in providing direct support in filling out and reporting taxes, which can often be confusing to the general public.

In addition to benefiting the broader community, the tax volunteer program significantly impacts students' personal development. In this program, students not only learn the theory of taxation but also practice what they have learned in the classroom. They are given the opportunity to interact directly with taxpayers, understand field dynamics, and face various challenges in implementing tax regulations.

This volunteer program also provides opportunities for students to develop communication skills, time management, and teamwork abilities-all of which are essential soft skills in the professional world. Furthermore, students involved in this program gain hands-on experience that enhances their competitiveness in the job market. The tax volunteer certificate also becomes a valuable addition to their resume, demonstrating real-world work experience and relevant social contributions.

The role of students in the tax volunteer program is not only important in helping the current community but also in instilling early tax awareness among the younger generation. By participating in the process of tax education and assistance, students are indirectly building a deeper understanding of the importance of taxes. They will grow into a generation that is more aware and compliant with taxes, ultimately contributing to higher tax compliance rates in the future.

Tax awareness among young people is crucial because they will drive the economy in the future. By understanding how important taxes are for national development, they are expected to become compliant taxpayers who support the government’s efforts to increase national revenue.

The tax volunteer program represents a good synergy between the government, universities, and students. The government, through the DJP, receives support from skilled personnel to assist with tax education and assistance tasks. Universities, in turn, provide students with opportunities to engage in activities relevant to their studies, enhancing the institution’s reputation for producing high-quality graduates.

Students, as the main actors in this program, gain multiple benefits—from personal development to making social contributions. Moreover, this synergy fosters a shared awareness that taxation is not just the government’s responsibility but a collective duty that must be managed together.

In the rapidly evolving digital era, tax challenges have become more complex, particularly with the rise of digital economies and globalization. The tax volunteer program gives students the opportunity to engage with contemporary tax issues, including electronic transactions and online businesses. With their knowledge and field experience, student tax volunteers can act as pioneers in addressing the tax challenges of the digital era.

The tax volunteer program involving students is a smart and strategic policy to build tax awareness in the community, develop students' potential, and improve tax compliance. The role of students as tax volunteers is essential, from the aspects of education, skill development, to creating a generation that is more tax-conscious. Through this program, the government not only gains support for its tax-related tasks but also lays the foundation for a stronger and more sustainable future tax system.


*) Oleh : Silmi, S.E., M.Ak., Dosen PNS Akuntansi Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Andalas.

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Writer : Hainorrahman
Editor : Hainorrahman

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